Petters Chameleon
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Petters Chameleon

Original price was: $299.99.Current price is: $249.99.

Petters Chameleon, also known as the Cameroon Two-horned Chameleon, is a unique and fascinating species of chameleon native to Cameroon in West Africa. It is a relatively rare species in the pet trade and is highly sought after by chameleon enthusiasts for its stunning appearance and fascinating behavior.

Petters Chameleon is known for its unique appearance, which includes two large horns protruding from its head. It also has striking coloration, with shades of green, brown, and orange on its body, and a vivid blue color on its head and throat when it is in breeding mode. In addition to its physical characteristics, Petters Chameleon is known for its calm and docile nature, making it a popular choice as a pet.


Petters Chameleon, also known as the Cameroon Two-horned Chameleon, is a unique and fascinating species of chameleon native to Cameroon in West Africa. It is a relatively rare species in the pet trade and is highly sought after by chameleon enthusiasts for its stunning appearance and fascinating behavior.

Petters Chameleon is known for its unique appearance, which includes two large horns protruding from its head. It also has striking coloration, with shades of green, brown, and orange on its body, and a vivid blue color on its head and throat when it is in breeding mode. In addition to its physical characteristics, Petters Chameleon is known for its calm and docile nature, making it a popular choice as a pet.

However, despite its popularity, Petters Chameleon is not an easy species to care for and requires a lot of attention and specialized care. Properly caring for a Petters Chameleon requires a deep understanding of its behavior, habitat, and dietary needs. It is important to provide them with the appropriate environment, including a suitable terrarium, proper lighting, temperature, humidity, and a variety of live insects and vegetation to eat.

Overall, Petters Chameleon is a unique and fascinating species that requires a high level of care and attention. While it can be a challenging species to care for, it is also a rewarding and exciting pet for experienced reptile enthusiasts who are dedicated to providing the best care for their pets.

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Petters Chameleon is a striking and unique species of chameleon that is easily recognizable by the two large horns protruding from its head. These horns are more prominent in males and are used during mating rituals and territorial displays.

The body of Petters Chameleon is slender and elongated, with a long prehensile tail that helps them to balance and grip onto branches. They have four legs, each with five toes, and their feet are well adapted for gripping onto branches and climbing.

In terms of coloration, Petters Chameleons are known for their vivid blue head and throat, which is particularly striking in males during the breeding season. The rest of their body is typically a mix of green, brown, and orange shades, which allows them to blend in with their natural habitat.

Petters Chameleons also has large, expressive eyes that can move independently, giving them a 360-degree view of their surroundings. They use their eyes to locate prey, navigate their environment, and communicate with other chameleons through a range of color changes and body language.

Overall, Petters Chameleon is a visually stunning and unique species that is sure to catch the eye of any reptile enthusiast. Their striking appearance, particularly the prominent horns and vivid blue coloration, make them a favorite among chameleon enthusiasts.


Petters Chameleon is a relatively solitary species, and they typically only interact with others during mating season or territorial disputes. They spend much of their time perched high in trees, using their sharp claws and prehensile tail to maintain their grip on branches.

One of the most fascinating aspects of Petters Chameleon behavior is their ability to change color. They use this ability not only to blend in with their surroundings but also to communicate with other chameleons. When threatened or scared, they may change to a darker color to signal aggression or to blend in with shadows. When trying to attract a mate, males will display their vivid blue head and throat as a sign of dominance and readiness to mate.

Petters Chameleons are also known for their unique hunting behavior. They are ambush predators and will wait patiently for their prey to come within reach before striking with their long, sticky tongues. They feed primarily on insects and other small invertebrates, such as crickets, mealworms, and waxworms.

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In terms of activity levels, Petters Chameleons are relatively slow-moving creatures. They conserve their energy and move slowly and deliberately, using their keen eyesight and color-changing abilities to locate prey and avoid predators. Overall, Petters Chameleons are fascinating creatures with unique behaviors that make them a popular choice among reptile enthusiasts.


Petters Chameleons require a specialized setup to thrive in captivity. They should be housed in a large, vertically oriented enclosure with plenty of branches and foliage for climbing and hiding. The enclosure should be equipped with a heat lamp and UVB lighting to provide warmth and light, as well as a misting system to maintain proper humidity levels. Petters Chameleons require a varied diet of live insects, such as crickets and roaches, as well as occasional small amounts of fruits and vegetables.


Petters Chameleons require regular veterinary check-ups to monitor their health and catch any potential issues early on. They are susceptible to respiratory infections and parasites, which can be prevented through proper husbandry and regular fecal testing. Petters Chameleons are also prone to stress, which can lead to a weakened immune system and other health issues. Owners should provide a quiet and stable environment for their chameleon, with minimal handling to prevent stress and promote overall health.


Petters Chameleons are a unique and fascinating reptile species, with their striking appearance and docile temperament. While they require specialized care and attention, providing the proper setup and diet can help ensure their health and happiness in captivity. With regular veterinary care and proper husbandry, Petters Chameleons can thrive in the care of a knowledgeable and dedicated owner.

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