Black Capped Conure

Black Capped Conure


  • Size: 10 inches
  • Lifespan: up to 30 years
  • Bird Species: Conure
  • Colors: Green; black details
  • Sounds: Quiet, Natural calls
  • Interaction: Social, Smart, Energetic, Affectionate, Fun, Friendly, Docile
  • Comparable Breeds: Mitred Conure, Green Cheeked Conure

black cap conure Parrot Sale With their unique looks, vibrant patterns and a friendly, silly personality, the Black Capped Conure parrot has found its way into the hearts of many owners. With a friendly, docile and often goofy temperament, these little birds boast a lot of traits that make them perfect pet sale parrot. They are easy to take care of and can be a perfect choice for beginner owners.

Additionally, these little parrots are considered as one of the quieter conure breeds. Owners who live in apartments can rest easy – the black capped conure price is a quieter bird with well-rounded traits.  Before you black capped conure for sale, it’s important to know that it’s one of the most unique-looking breeds of this family. As a bonus, Black Capped Conure for sale they are very friendly and entertaining. Buy conures online at Live Parrots shop.

Black Capped Conure for sale are the life of the party! The typical conure is social, inquisitive, bold and vocal. And they love to have fun! They are active, conures for sale playful and outgoing, Black Capped Conure for sale and they love to cuddle. These snuggly babies are all about spending quality time with their families, buy black capped conure and they are notorious for wanting to be where the action is. You may just find your conure dancing back and forth, mimicking your movements or climbing in your shirt!

Due to the fast turnover rate of these Black Capped Conure for sale, it is difficult to provide the exact date of birth. However, these babies are mostly sold in between 7-11 Weeks of Age.

The Gender is not guaranteed. However, black capped conures A DNA test can be arranged upon customer’s request after the purchase of the bird to determine the gender at an additional cost.

The baby Black Capped Conure for sale can look very different from their parents. Even the brightest looking birds often have drab, dull offsprings, and many baby birds have spotted or streaked plumage as camouflage protect them from predators until they learn to fly and be more independent. Exact colors come usually around 2 years of age.


Livestock in store is health guaranteed. However, Black Capped Conure for sale we cannot provide any life warranty after these pets are kept in any of our uncontrolled environment. It is important to provide a proper habitat by following some suggested tips. More information can also be obtained from specialized animal care staff at the time of purchase.

Care Guide and Recommendations


  • A Roomy Cage. Non-toxic powder coating Metal one (minimum size recommended is double the span of their wing size when stretched out together or biggest possible.
  • Humid and warm environment. (Automatic / manual misting / showering regularly { specially made shower & window perches are quite helpful}.
  • A combination of tap water shower and use of recommended bird bath sprays with gland oil helps relieve / eliminate minor skin irritation and itchiness on the body.
  • Bedding (Preferable: Fresh and Comfy Recycled Paper Bedding / aspen shaving / corn cob)
  • Toys (They love to chew, therefore, providing a few toys helps in catering to a healthy lifestyle for the pet!). A combination of 5-7 (2-3 hard & 3-4 soft chewable {food grade coloured toys).
  • A combination of sand (nail & beak filing) and regular perches inside the cage. (Preferably Java / dragon wood).
  • Installation of Java tree on top of the cage with extra food bowls (steel ones) and a couple of hanging toys.
  • A minimum of 3 steel containers.
    • Food Bowl (Usually included in Cages). Mixture of Tropican and Tropimix Food.
    • Mineral and Vitamin Bowl. (Clay Cal and Prime Vitamin Amino Acid Mixture). Moist food including Fruits, Veggies etc. to be dropped / served in this bowl.
    • Water bowl. regular tap cold water (put some anti chlorine drops). Water to be changed at least once a day or every time the bird dropping is seen.
  • Hideout. Hammock / Tent for them to feel protected. Unwanted exposure stresses the bird out.
  • UVA / UVB lighting has proved to be very beneficial for these birds. It helps processing the calcium in captivity and also help controlling the temperature in cage. Metal dome are to be used and to be placed on top of the cage.

Diet Plan

  • Please follow the feeding guide provided in the chart below.
  • Mineral/ Salt Block / Cuttlefish bone.
  • Treats

Highly Pedigreed

In-house Bred in Free Flight Aviary. Captivity born not imported.

Between 7-11 Weeks of Age at the time of delivery.

Raised only on Hari Approved Products

Breeders are Fed:

Organic Pellets (Tropican)

Parrots Nut Mix (Tropimix)





Bentonite Clay

Prime Vitamins


Kept in UVA, UVB and Infrared Nocturnal Lighting


UVB enables birds to produce vitamin D, also known as the “sunshine vitamin,” which is essential for calcium metabolism and immune function. UVC is normally filtered out by the earth’s ozone layer and does not exist on the planet naturally.

UVB plays a very important role. It allows your bird to synthesise Vitamin D3 in their skin or through a special process involving the preening gland. Parrots need Vitamin D3 to metabolise calcium which they use to produce eggs, build and maintain strong bones and maintain normal growth.

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